THINGS A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME Confessions of the Creative Mind
Co-founder of Twitter and GQ’s “Nerd of the Year”, Biz Stone presents a lively journey from impoverished college drop-out to one of Time magazines Most Influential People in The World.
Always optimistic and confident, Stone packed up his partner, Livia, and menagerie of rescue animals, in their old Toyota Corolla and drove across the country to San Francisco to pursue a career with Google. Bouncing from opportunity to opportunity, some marginally fruitful, others less than successful, Stone always remained optimistic. In his own words “every company needs an idealist.”
The book is not a large tome, rather an enjoyable read before bed or over breakfast. It’s 160 e-pages recount Stone’s journey to Silicon Valley success, the ups-and-downs experienced along the way and the freak opportunity that lead to co-creating the social networking platform Twitter.
Things a Little Bird Told Me: Confessions of the Creative Mind really doesn't confess anything unpleasant, Stone doesn't write about any drug-fuelled nights or malicious boardroom battles, in fact Stone’s confessions are more like a guide to living an ethical, reputable life, with words of advice on almost every page - "Once true passion hits you, you can recognize all the times in your life when you were chasing the wrong dream" and “Constraint inspires creativity”.
There is something very refreshing about Stone’s story, his successes, his failures, his uncanny ability to make the right decisions; it’s a pleasure to read, encouraging, and instructive, never straying far from Stone’s positive idealism.
THINGS A LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME - Confessions of the Creative Mind
Biz Stone
Originally published by Grand Central Publishing/Hatchette Book Group, April 2014
Electronic edition published by Macmillan/PanMcmillan 2014
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