Puppies For Dummies 3rd Edition by Sarah Hodgson

Puppies For Dummies 3rd Edition by Sarah Hodgson

Posted 2018-06-30 by Catherine Van Bergenfollow

Welcoming a new pet into your home can be a daunting experience- whether it has fur, scales or feathers- and it’s something that you want to get right to ensure a happy transition for all involved.

Unfortunately, a lot of people who have never experienced this (and a lot who have) don’t know exactly what to expect, and the process, while exciting, can lead to a lot of frustration and more than a few unpleasant incidents!

If the new pet in question is a puppy, however, then this book will get you sorted. While various breeds and individual temperaments will of course make a difference, Puppies For Dummies will still provide all new puppy owners with a strong starting base for training and care.

Written by professional American dog trainer Sarah Hodgson, this book provides fun, clear instructions to help you prepare for your new furry friend. It covers everything from choosing the correct breed to suit your lifestyle, to puppy care basics- feeding, training and exercise. If you have any questions regarding particular training methods or products, there is plenty of material that covers the pros and cons involved, and if you still aren’t sure, there are resources in the book that you can follow up on for further information.

Covering the differences between foods, problem areas like nipping and chewing, how to positively reinforce behaviour, socialising, training issues and even grooming and first aid, this book looks at every aspect of owning a new puppy. Following the usual Dummies layout, this book is guaranteed to make everything easier- the points are clear and concise, there are icons scattered throughout the text to alert you to important tips, warnings, and other information, there are darker panels that provide extra information away from the normal run of the book, and there are even illustrations and diagrams throughout to provide clearer instructions. This edition even has eight colour pages of photographs of puppies in various stages of growth and training.

Suitable for new puppy owners, and even people with experience in this area who are looking for further tips, this book will become your new ‘go to’. While it is American-based (and therefore contains information about clubs and associations from America) there are relevant and similar club and associations around the world (if you’re interested) and this in no way detracts from the important hints and tips that the rest of the book contains.

One of the most useful and practical books on the market, this book is full of hints, tips and information that you will certainly benefit from when welcoming your new puppy into your life.

Rating: 4.5/ 5
Published: February 2012


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