Million Dollar Productivity by Kevin J Anderson
Million Dollar Productivity by Kevin J. Anderson. Photo taken by Selina Shapland, 2015
Million Dollar Productivity is a book written by
Kevin J. Anderson for people who want to be writers and make a living too. The book is his perspective on how to make the most of every minute you have to write, write, write.
The book is geared toward aspiring and published novelists. However, the hints and tips in this short, 75 page book, would help any type of aspiring writer.
I enjoyed reading this small but effective book on how to write more everyday. In fact, since I finished reading
Million Dollar Productivity, I have found myself focusing on my writing in a way that I had not before.
I am aware of the times I am avoiding writing and that I could be using this small snippet of time to write something that will help me to attain my writing goals. I am typing more words, I am jotting down thoughts and creative ideas as soon as they come to me and I am sitting here at my desk reviewing
Million Dollar Productivity without delay. All this productivity, thanks to this small book which is actually a bit of kick in the pants for people who say they want to be a writer but are wishy-washy about following through on their self promises.
Kevin J. Anderson takes us through his typical day and reveals how it is that he has produced five published novels every year for the last 25 years. He currently has over 125 books published. That's a lot of writing.
He discusses the technique he uses for writing his books and I agree, it isn't for everyone, but the point is, the technique works for him and it obviously makes him money, as books continue to sell and compound royalties over time.
The title of this short how-to book is purposefully chosen to help the reader realise that there is a way to make money from writing but the catch is, you have prioritise your writing and sit down at the keyboard and write! Then, of course, you have to get published and then you need to find an audience who is interested in reading your book.
Million Dollar Productivity is all about helping you to get a productive frame of mind going so you not only aim for but achieve your writing goals. It is all about helping you to think of ways to find time to get more words down on the page everyday.
In Part I, Finding the Time to Write, Being a Full-Time Writer, Kevin J. Anderson talks to us about throwing out our excuses and making time to write, because if writing is something you really want to do, you'll make time for it.
He helps us to reset our frame of mind about what writing is to us. If we are serious about it, we treat it like a job and we make it happen. If we're not serious, it's a hobby and it doesn't matter if we achieve our writing goals or not.
In Part II, The Mathematics of Productivity, he skilfully tackles the perception that to write fast equals shoddy prose and to write slow equals good prose. It's a numbers game and the more time and effort you put into producing a product the better chance you have to make a living (maybe even a million bucks) from your writing. He says that if you want to support yourself with your writing, the reality is that you have to be productive and turn out multiple books to make that money.
In Part III, Kevin's Eleven -11 Tips to Increase Your Writing Productivity, he gives us tips on how to stop talking about writing and write, defy your fear of writing on a blank page, and suggests you may like to work with multiple projects at one time if that works for you. There are many more productivity tips and they are gold, especially if you apply them!
I admit, that this is the part of the book that has truly helped me to change my mind-set and start writing more. I am writing more articles, more creative writing prose, more reflective pieces. This change seems to be growing roots in my mind and now, here I am, still at my keyboard, writing. Very exciting!
I really liked that he described his muse as a "drill-sergeant" who tells him to sit and write.
Million Dollar Productivity was a fun, easy and practical book.
If you want to be a writer and find yourself dancing around in the dark avoiding doing the work, I recommend reading
Million Dollar Productivity to see if it can help you get back on track.
Rating: 5 stars
Published: 2014
253801 - 2023-07-19 07:50:15