How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method

How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method

Posted 2014-09-28 by Selina Shaplandfollow
How to Write a Novel The Snowflake Method by Randy Ingermanson, Image courtesy of the Author

Goldilocks has always known that she wanted to be an Author. She had a book growing inside her since childhood, but her parents told her to go out and get a real career that will pay the bills.

They told her that following her dream of being a published author was impractical and so she listened to them, gaining a degree in marketing.

But after getting married and having two children, she finds that once they are at school, her work life skills are too rusty to help her get any other job than the most basic job.

Goldilocks decides to write her novel and finds out pretty quickly that it isn't as easy as she thought it would be. So, she searches online for classes and there's a writers convention.

She immediately signs up and goes along to the lectures, all the while worrying about her hair and wondering what people will think of her.

At first she attends the 'plotters' class, led by Papa Bear. When she has a go at that, the method doesn't work for her.

So, she attends the 'pantsers' class, led by Mama Bear and learns how to allow the story to organically evolve. But organically writing doesn't work for her either.

Goldilocks becomes disheartened and frustrated by these roadblocks to manifesting her dream of being a novelist.

Eventually she finds her way into Baby Bears' class, called 'the Snowflake Method.'

Goldilocks learns the 10 step Snowflake Method of writing. As she learns and we do too, she is challenged by characters such as Mother Hubbard who only cares about her empty cupboard, the Big Bad Wolf, Little Pig and Robin Hood - the wench loving rogue.

There is a subplot that runs through the book surrounding the Big Bad Wolf and Little Pig. There's murder, mystery, intrigue and the resolution where Goldilocks plays a major role in solving the crime.

The Big Bad Wolf is one of my favourite characters in this how-to book.

I loved reading this book because it was so easy to understand. I learned how to write a novel from the basic idea through building layers in plot and character development. I learned how to write up scenes and work out word counts and I learned that each scene needs to have a 'goal, conflict, setback,' or a 'reaction, dilemma, decision.'

This book is helping me to prepare for the upcoming NaNoWriMo novel writing 'fun-write-by-the-seat-of-your-pants' November event.

My aim is to write up a 50,000 word count first draft. I have been devouring the the Snowflake Method and it has helped me so much in clarifying who my audience is, the genre, the main character, including developing a strong and three dimensional villain as well as plotting scenes to move the story forward through conflict to resolution.

I highly recommend any aspiring novelist to read the Snowflake Method book because you never know if this method will work for you.

Randy Ingermanson , of Advance Fiction Writing , doesn't advocate that this method is the one for you. Instead, he says that there are different methods that work for different writers, so keep your options open and try new things.

If you, like me, aspire to be a published novelist and have trouble 'plotting' or 'panting', give the the Snowflake Method a go.


253550 - 2023-07-19 07:46:45


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