Books For Fathers Day Part One

Books For Fathers Day Part One

Posted 2014-08-20 by Catherine Van Bergenfollow

Father's Day is fast approaching, and there are a lot of dad-related titles now being released. Here is the first instalment on some of the books available…

Dad Dancing – Ian Allen

Contrary to what the title may have you believe, dad dancing is only covered in a couple of pages of this little gift book, and is only one example of the typical (and embarrassing) dad behaviour that is concealed within. Long-suffering offspring are sure to recognise particular traits that their father exercises while reading through this book, including being awkward at parent-teacher meetings, having a dreadful fashion sense (unless mum is helping), harbouring an intense desire to outdo his ‘competitors’ in everything he does, and refusing to give in and ask for directions when lost or confused. Dad-related fashion, technology, shopping, television, health and finance are all covered, and there are also plenty of bad ‘Laugh with Dad’ jokes, stats, interesting facts and illustrations littered throughout this book to keep you thoroughly amused. With so much on offer, you’re guaranteed to find something to keep dad (and yourself) entertained.

Confessions Of The World’s Best Father – Dave Engledow

Fatherhood just comes naturally to some men, especially when they’re the World’s Best Father and have the mug to prove it! Dave Engledow considers himself to be in this camp- like all sleep-deprived new fathers, he found that life with a new child isn’t as easy as everybody lets on, but if you train said child to do the chores, use fruit cups as a bartering tool, and exercise a little bit of compromise (in the child’s favour) anything is possible. In this humorous little book, Dave recounts his fatherly experiences with daughter Alice Bee, including her aspirations to become a world-class race car driver, her love of cooking barbecues and s’mores over an open flame, and (more likely for a two-year-old-child) her dedication to avoiding bedtime. Sometimes a little befuddled by life (both with a new child and without), Dave’s anecdotes are amusing and somewhat typical of the male gender (especially when it comes to cleaning). You’re sure to get a laugh out of some of his antics (and the accompanying photographs).

The Very Embarrassing Book Of Dad Jokes – Ian Allen

There are jokes.
And then there are dad jokes.
Often excruciatingly cringe-worthy, they make most people question and compare the genetic material flowing through their veins with that of the unabashed joke teller- with dismal results. It seems that no matter what era your father was born in, there is still a prerequisite to learn at least one to three bad dad jokes, which will then need to be told again and again for maximum embarrassing impact. If you think your dad is due for some new material, or you actually enjoy taking pleasure in bad jokes, then this book will make the perfect gift. It features hundreds of terrible jokes, as well as interesting dad stats (although these are UK-based). Designed to encourage the renowned sport of shameful joke-telling, this book will make you cringe, groan, sigh and maybe even laugh a little.

Ultimate Dad Stuff – Steve Caplin & Simon Rose

Unlike the above offerings, this book contains much more practical information and advice for dad’s who want to keep up with the kids and maintain their status as the coolest father going around. While it does feature its fair share of jokes, this book also contains plenty of games, puzzles, magic tricks and facts that will hopefully make dad’s life a lot easier when trying to entertain either a couple of children, or a large group of rowdy kids. Everything dad could possibly need to know is included, with information on the outdoors (how to row a boat, build a campfire, identify different plants), and the kitchen (how to cook child-friendly meals from scratch without burning the house down). There are also plenty of ideas for keeping the kids entertained, including activities, games and puzzles (for inside and outside) and DIY instructions for making fun things out of everyday objects. This fatherhood compendium is the perfect resource for any dad.


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