Books About Baby Development For Families

Books About Baby Development For Families

Posted 2017-06-25 by Catherine Van Bergenfollow

Talking about the onset of puberty with children can be difficult for some parents and guardians.

The ‘birds and the bees’ talk is probably the next most challenging.

Even though the two topics intersect, the question of ‘where do babies come from?’ is often asked by children of a younger age, and sometimes it can be difficult to know just how much information to give without straight-up lying about baby-delivering storks or babies found in the cabbage patch.

Hopefully these family-friendly books can help you out…

“Where Did I Come From?” – Peter Mayle

This book has been around for decades and is the ultimate classic when it comes to the facts of life. Reprinted numerous times, this book covers everything that children need to know about sex, conception, the baby’s growth cycle and the actual birth, with no stone left unturned. The book is filled with the original illustrations (giving it an almost nostalgic vibe), which clearly show everything that the young audience needs to see. Probably the best go-to book for adults and children, Peter Mayle’s book is sure to be around for decades to come.

Published: February 1988

The Amazing True Story Of How Babies Are Made- Fiona Katauskas

A more modernised version of the above, this picture story book also states the facts as they are, with accompanying illustrations. Shortlisted for the Children’s Book Of The Year Awards in 2016, this informative book also covers different aspects of birth that are more common nowadays, such as IVF, surrogacy, sperm donation, caesarians and premature births. If you think the illustrations from Peter Mayle’s book may be a little too disconcerting for your young audience, then Katauskas’ friendlier-looking drawings might provide a better option.

Rating: 4.5/5
Published: August 2015

9 Months- Courtney Adamo and Esther van de Paal (Illustrated by Lizzy Stewart)

Unlike the other two books, this one doesn’t cover conception, instead beginning with month one. Each month of the pregnancy is covered, with information given about the size and growth of the foetus. There are questions asked and answered on each page, as well as facts about birth and babies, which help to encourage discussion among parents and children. On the adjoining page of each month is a section that explains how Mummy might be feeling at this time, which helps to make the book seem less technical and a bit more personal. This book appears to be more fact-based than the other two (which have a slightly more story-book feel), but would be just as effective in teaching a young audience about how babies are made.

Published: April 2017


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